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Cynthia Lucas #1 Mandalay Rd, Stuart, FL 34996 - We could use some help with expenses.

Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March Meeting of Members

14 March 2018 -

Rebecca Negron, MCSB
Stacy Heatherington, Rep. State Committee
The March 12th meeting of the Members of the Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee was busy as usual. You could tell that the next election season is upon us with the appearance of candidates who need to spread the word of their hard work.

Rebecca Negron (L) spoke to the Members about issues regarding the Martin County School Board. Stacy Heatherington, Republican State Committeewoman for Martin County, is a candidate for County Commissioner for District 2 (Stuart and East Stuart). Both candidates asked for signatures for their candidate petitions.

Cynthia Lucas related the history of this Committee's work in vetting candidates in the 2010 and 2012 election cycles. The importance of examining the candidacy of our representatives before the Primaries was illustrated by recalling several disappointing performances from recently elected officials who were not proprly evaluated before receiving Party support.

Our guest speaker was Billy Vaughn (father of slain Navy Seal Aaron Vaughn) who spoke of his support of the organization known as, "Understanding the Threat." Speakers offer strategic and operational training and consulting on the threat of the global Islamic movement to law enforcement agencies across the country.

Billy Vaughn showed a Powerpoint presentation which recounted the exposure of persons in our country who have been shown to be threats to the American way of life. The real threat is known to be subversive activity which is being overshadowed by the more sensational terrorist activities around the globe. He also urged the Members to encourage all law enforcement leaders in our area to host a UTT 3-day program to recognize the threat.

The group may be contacted at www.UnderstandingtheThreat.com.

- jjm

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