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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Legal Immigration

Since 1970 with mass immigration the largest number are from Mexico. Of those allowed in legally, only 36% have become Naturalized but over 50% are on welfare. Of all immigrants allowed in since 1970 only 56% have become Naturalized. Think recent immigrants are coming to contribute or to take?

Illegal Immigration

The first amnesty was in 1986 supposedly for under one million illegal aliens but ended up being over 3 million who were said to be yearning for citizenship. Granted amnesty over twenty eight years ago, only 40% ever became Naturalized. Not content, Congress passed an additional six amnesties or amnesty adjustments through 2000 that no one ever mentions. What is one definition of insanity?

How about the promises Congress made in 1986 and not one to this day has been kept:
  • There would be only one amnesty.....ever......
  • Congress would secure the border........
  • Congress would mandate E-Verify so all workers would be legal.

Yet, we have idiots in Congress only too happy to say the immigration system is broken not remembering the promises made in '86 or following the advice of the Jordan Commission in '96 to eliminate chain migration. 

We cannot control poverty until we control immigration levels.

George Fuller

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