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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Sunday, February 20, 2011





Sustainable development defined by property owners who have lost their land:

Property owners in the United States who have come face to face with "sustainable development" would define it simply as, "This is a stick-up, give me your property!"

Hundreds of thousands of ranchers, farmers, loggers, foresters, miners, fishermen, builders, developers, and other property owners are losing the right to use their property because of juggernaut environmental-government regulations; local, state, federal or international - or all of these combined.

These regulations include: the Endangered Species Act, Wetland Regulations, and laws governing use of air, water, land, and sea. There are also countless international UN treaties controlling and regulating the use of private property.

Property owners are finding out - because of an endangered species being discovered on their land, or that their land iss being declared a wetland - they are no longer able to use it, develop it, build on it, or even water it. They can hang on to it and pay the property taxes, or sell it at rock-bottom prices, because land that cannot be used has little economic value. Of course, the only people willing to buy the land are the Nature Conservancy or other environmental agencies, which in turn sell the land to the federal government. Often property owners not only lose their property but are put in jail and pay enormous fines for the violation of some obscure environmental regulation or law.
Eagle Forum of California

Miami Dade Land Owners have been intimidated, harassed, threatened, and many of them bankrupted trying to defend themselves. Who can they trust in this Miami-Dade Government?? DERM (Department of Environmental Resources Management) is the arm being used to steal this property. Funded by fees, fines, and grants (Your tax dollars!!).

Some of these landowners have been here for years farming and all of a sudden, DERM drives or literally flies by (as in a helicopter), and suddenly this land is now deemed a wetland. There is supposed to be testing of soil and other criteria as stated on DERM's website. However, when asked for these documents, they do not have them. This was on TV, reporter Carmel on the Case, Channel 7. So much for THE SUNSHINE LAW in Miami Dade County!

Carlos Spinosa (Head of DERM) said, "they should have known"- on Carmel 7 TV interview. They tell them to pay for a wetlands permit and everything will be just fine. However, the permit is never received, and their deposit, one as much as $100,000, is never seen again by the landowner!!! Transparency??

Some landowners, although their land is proclaimed a wetland by DERM, are paying residential taxes or Agricultural taxes. Residential tax might be $20,000 and wetlands tax might be $500! Yet when they call the property tax appraiser, NOBODY KNOWS! They say that is how it is done... and they receive calls with this same question daily!

Miami Statute 33B-54 through 57(Dade County Code) state there should be disclosure of wetlands property unless it is being sold to South Florida Water Management District. There is No disclosure when these people buy. One landowner bought her property last year, had a title search, and nothing came up. South Florida Water Management is selling land right across from these landowners. The ad says Nothing about being a Wetland. What will happen after the landowner buys the property?

There have been cases where the land was resold to developers AFTER the property owners had to give it up. Did it suddenly become a dry land or were there mitigation credits involved? Always follow the money trail, We already know that Rock Mining companies can mine even on protected land as long as they pay those mitigation credits. Similar to Carbon Credit trade off .

Suspicious fires, helicopters hovering 4-5 times a day, sometimes nightly, and sometimes LANDING on their property, getting harassed on weekends, on and on...

We have contacted the Inspector General's office and, so far, received no calls back even though we firmly stated we felt lives could be at risk. The Mayor, Commissioners, Congressmen, and other officials KNOW that something does NOT smell right. They are either part of this or too scared to stand up for what is RIGHT & JUST!!

You will recognize names on the World Congress ICLEI documents as those in our current Miami Dade government. I HAVE ATTACHED A DOCUMENT WITH LINKS TO BACK UP THESE STATEMENTS.

This is happening to hundreds of property owners in Miami Dade County. Miami Dade County is run by a government that is proud to be a model city for ICLEI - a United Nations program implemented through local town councils, planners, mayors, and local governments.

ICLEI, a 501(c)(3) pays dues, your taxpayer money, to this international organization.

Against the US and Florida Constitutions. They are not following the rules to be tax-exempt 501(c)(3) under the US IRS Code.

Harvey Ruvin, Miami Dade Clerk of Court, was Vice Chair of Executive Committee of ICLEI. ICLEI has been designated to represent local government at all United Nations Meetings dealing with the environment & sustainability.

I DO NOT remember voting him as a representative,

ONLY for Clerk of County Court of Dade County.

Harvey also is Chair of the County's Climate Change Advisory Task Force (CCATF). He, along with the Mayor of Miami Dade County, appoints the Finance Director (section 5.03 Financial Administration.-Miami Dade Charter).

Mr. Ruvin is also on the Executive Council CCOC (FL Clerks of Court Operations Corp). To my understanding, they discuss CCOC and budgetary business for the 67 county clerk offices in FL. I bring Mr Ruvin to your attention to open your eyes to the power and contacts this man has to help institute UN Policy in which, as his ICLEI titles prove, he is 100% engaged.

I am not an accountant, but on the attached budget document, it appears DERM has a $41 million operating budget - Really?? See other pages listed on attached page of links.

Interesting how the USACE just had a public meeting about finally using the $400M + pump that taxpayer money paid for a number of years ago. They would not turn it (the pump) on.

A few years ago there was extreme flooding due to very bad storms. They would not lift a finger until the TV news showed the children going to school in waist-deep water. Then it seems they were embarrassed into turning on the pump.



I dare any of you reporters, radio show hosts, government officials to do a little reading on the attached links. I have made so very easy for you.

Show there is STILL JUSTICE in This Country and that NO ONE is above the law!!

There is more information for those wanting to investigate.

Pamela Evans





Carmel on the Case (7 TV) 1-DERM determination by drive-by (A VIDEO)

Wildlife Officer intimidated by DERM for telling truth under oath (a video)

Carmel on the Case-7 TV (another video)

Miami Dade Statute 33B-54-57 from Miami Dade County Code-Wetlands Disclosure

Land being sold extremely close proximity to these landowners by SFWMD

Rep Mario Diaz-Balart moved on (PDF)

Miami Dade County and ICLEI/AGENDA 21 Legislation - Harvey Ruvin sponsor for Miami Dade County joining ICLEI - International Organization


Chapt. 33B

1st World Congress on Cities & Adaptation to Climate Change -
Bonn, Germany Commissioner Seijas & Harvey Ruvin on report

Future Of Cities World Congress 10-5-2010 Incheon, Korea.
Speakers include Harvey Ruvin(listed as Miami Dade Clerk of County Court) - never have found who paid for this overseas trip.

IRS + 501(c)3


Long Term CO2 Reduction Plan for Miami Dade CountyMayor Alvarez, Commissioners, & Harvey Ruvin are on this plan

(Note sentence - Harvey Ruvin has set priorities Legislating CCATF recommendations with assistance from Assistant County Attorney Abbie Schwaderer.) This is dated 9/2010

Miami Dade County 2010-11 Adopted Budget - look at Adobe Budget pg 216 (DERM Budget), Pg. 223-Environmentally Endangered Lands Program(EEL), pg 304(DERM Grant Fund-State & Fed)

2009 cost - see pg 3
Authorized in 1989, this federal restoration project was originally estimated to cost $83 million. But lack of funding, design changes and construction requirements have resulted in cost escalations to $398 million. Now the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is projecting that the improvements could cost as much as $600 million due to rising real estate and construction prices.

(Don't forget, taxpayer money)

USACE Meeting Feb. 9, 2011

Article I Section. 10. U.S Constitution

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation

HERE is Florida Statutes-Chapter 876 876.05 to be exact. This states clearly That all Public employees support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida.

Harvey Ruvin Links


Vice Chair ICLEI EXEC Committee (1998-2002)

FL Clerks of Court Operations Corporation


Links to this fight through the years

2007 Shaw Environmental Report prepared for USACE

9-12-2002 “All I Did Was Buy A House

8-11-2002 Another

1-15-2003 Another

Any attorneys- Bert J. Harris, Jr. Private Property Rights Protection Act - Florida Statutes section 70.001

Case law below-Duda & Sons Inc vs St Johns Water Mgmt District

see link

However, the Legislature has also placed limitations on the districts' regulatory powers by establishing certain exemptions to the districts' rules and regulations. The exemption at issue in this case reads as follows:

(2) Nothing herein, or in any rule, regulation, or order adopted pursuant hereto, shall be construed to affect the right of any person engaged in the occupation of agriculture, silviculture, floriculture, or horticulture to alter the topography of any tract of land for purposes consistent with the practice of such occupation. However, such alteration may not be for the sole or predominant purpose of impounding or obstructing surface waters.

§ 373.406(2). Thus, in the first sentence of section 373.406(2), the Legislature created an exemption from the districts' rules and regulations for persons who alter the topography of land where such persons: 1) are engaged in the occupation of agriculture; and 2) the alteration of the topography is consistent with the practice of agriculture. But then, in the second sentence, the Legislature limits the scope of the exemption by providing that the alteration of topography “may not be for the sole or predominant purpose of impounding or obstructing surface waters.”


Please find out how far this has gone in your county!!

Ask your elected officials if they know about this.

If they say, "NO," they're LYING!

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