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Monday, February 21, 2011

Alert!! Please read email from Congressman Scalise on czar amendment

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Congressman Steve Scalise

Louisiana's First Congressional District

For Immediate Release

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Contact: Stephen Bell


 Scalise passes amendment to sack czars

Washington, D.C. – An amendment by Congressman Steve Scalise that defunds many of President Obama's radical czars was just approved by the House of Representatives on a roll call vote and attached to the Continuing Resolution (CR).  The CR would fund the government through September and would cut at least $100 billion in federal spending.

"It is time that we end this practice by President Obama of creating a shadow government run by czars with cabinet-level powers who circumvent the accountability and scrutiny that comes with Senate confirmation required by the Constitution," Scalise said.  "Hardworking American families should not be forced to pay millions of dollars to fund these czars who are implementing radical policies under the cloak of darkness rather than going through the open and transparent process that we were promised.  The government should not be running car companies, we should not be regulating the Internet, and we should not have all these czars!"

            The CR has been debated throughout the week in the House of Representatives.  In January, Scalise re-introduced the Sunset All Czars Act, H.R. 59, which requires Senate confirmation of czars holding similar authority and power as cabinet officials but who have not undergone the same confirmation process.  The Sunset All Czars Act has 41 cosponsors.

Click here to watch Congressman Scalise discuss his amendment to defund the czars 


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