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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Buyer Beware: School Choice and Voucher Programs Require Alignment With Common Core

Buyer Beware: School Choice and Voucher Programs Require Alignment With Common Core

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2017/06/09/buyer-beware-school-choice-and-voucher-programs-require-alignment-with-common-core/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

The Glenn Beck Program Posted on Friday, Jun 9, 2017

Republicans are selling a false bill of goods when it comes to providing parents choices to escape Common Core and public education. Shannon Joy, host of The Shannon Joy Show and an expert on Common Core, joined The Glenn Beck Program on Friday to speak frankly on the matter. 

“Republicans now are putting forth a false solution. They’re coming out — Donald Trump, Betsy Devos, some of our favorite conservative Republicans — I don’t know if they quite understand the nuance of this, but they’re pitching to conservatives the idea of school choice vouchers and charters as a solution when that is not the case. In every piece of legislation and every state, including Texas which voted it down just recently because of this, every voucher program, every choice program requires that the user of that voucher or that choice education institution must be aligned with the federal standards. Those standards are Common Core,” Joy said. 

Mike Opelka, filling in for Glenn on radio, asked what parents need to know. 

“I think we need to arm parents with information. If they’re willing to go into battle against Common Core, we need to give them the ammunition. So what are the one or two things you as a parent can say when you’re up there questioning these folks on Common Core?” Opelka asked. 

Joy pointed out that education planners on the right and the left try to distract parents with the notion of students needing standards — but that isn’t the issue. “Every parent wants a school to have high standards. That’s obvious. The question isn’t the standards, it’s the curriculum,” Joy said. 

READ the rest of the article...

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2017/06/09/buyer-beware-school-choice-and-voucher-programs-require-alignment-with-common-core/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

Joy recommended several sources to stay informed and involved: 
Truth in American Education 
American Principles Project (Jane Robbins) 
Cato Institute (Neal McCluskey) 

You can also follow @shannonjoyradio on Twitter or The Shannon Joy Show on Facebook.

Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program: 


New Standards to Integrate Global Education into PK-12 Teaching Standards and Curriculum

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