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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Critical Issues for Local Activists - #1

Critical Issues for Local Activists

Are you certain that you are not needed in the cleanup effort in your community or county? The evidence is to the contrary. America has been inundated by Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development policies down to the smallest local level. Only local citizens can change this… and that means you!

Here are some areas that need immediate and continuing attention. Pick a topic, grab some fellow citizens, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Persistence and persuasion invariably get positive results.

#1: Abandon ICLEI membership (County/City)

ICLEI is an international organization that sells memberships to local cities and counties, and then promotes material and consultants to transform the member into compliancy with global standards for sustainable development.

ICLEI stands for “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives” but the organization changed its name to Local Governments for Sustainability. It’s mission statement declares, “By helping our Members to make their cities and regions sustainable, low-carbon, resilient, ecomobile, biodiverse, resource-efficient and productive, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 20% of the world’s urban population.”


Ed.: Other issues will be posted in a series. They include:
2. Discard Common Core Education Standards (City/County) 
3. Anti-Geoslavery Ordinances Needed (City/County) 
4. Equality in Separation of Church and State Issues (City/County)  
5. Voting Down General Plans That Promote Sustainable Development (City/County)  
6. Public-Private Partnerships (City/County) 
7.  Educating your County Sheriff on Constitutional Responsibilities (County)  
8.  Smart Growth Land Use Policies (City/County) 
9.  Councils of Governments (City/County)

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