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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Montana Nearly Outlaws Agenda 21

Montana Nearly Outlaws Agenda 21

At the end of the bi-annual legislative session the Montana State Assembly processed the most aggressive anti-Agenda 21 legislation ever considered. As of today several other states have outlawed Agenda 21. In Montana, consideration was given to terms that would have been extraordinarily effective at stopping Agenda 21’s progress. The vote was 41 to 59.

The essence of this legislation was that in addition to addressing Agenda 21, the bill outlawed ICLEI. In a move not undertaken anywhere before, this bill outlawed Regionalism, Councils of Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations. What most citizens do not understand is that Councils of Governments (COGs) capture federal funds for distribution to local governments. Your town will only receive funds if it is a member of the COG and the town does what it is told to do by the COG. COGs exist to promote Agenda 21. The prime example is the $300 billion program called One Bay Area that is mandated by ABAG (a COG in the San Francisco Bay Area) to adopt Smart Growth and Wildlands Network principles.

Regionalism is the resulting governance of an unelected COG board. Regionalism is designed to replace local government (cities and counties). Are you ready for a soviet government? At Freedom Advocates we described a soviet in 2005.

The Definition of a Soviet:

• A soviet is a system of councils that report to an apex council and implement a predetermined outcome, often by consensus, affecting a region or neighborhood.

• Members of a soviet council are chosen by virtue of their willingness to comply with that outcome and their one-mindedness with the group.

• Soviets are the operating mechanism of a government-controlled economy, whether it be socialism or government-corporate ("public-private") partnerships.

The bill also sought to outlaw Non-Governmental Organizations or NGOs. Most people are unaware that NGOs are accredited by the United Nations for the purpose of implementing Agenda 21 at home.

Though Montanans lost this time around, leader and citizen Dan Happel promises the bill will be back in a year and a half when the legislature reconvenes. The population of Montana is well versed on Agenda 21 realities. Expect more action from the Treasure State!


Here is a copy of the legislation: HB 583

Freedom Advocates
PO Box 3330
Freedom, CA 95019

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