By Ken Freeman
November 24, 2013
Looking back on the recent government shut-down I was amazed by the open and extremely venomous attacks, often by the leadership of both political parties, on any citizen who spoke out in opposition to the manner in which the Federal Government is conducting its/our affairs. To make it convenient for them to attack us, apparently all those citizens who live outside the Beltway in “fly over country,” once called “The America Heartland,” are now just lumped together under the label, “Tea Party People.”
“The American people will not be extorted by Tea Party anarchists," Harry Reid- US Senate Majority Leader. These words from the man who, along with President Obama, is primarily responsible for shutting down the government, holding us hostage, and doing everything in his power to make the average American feel the pain- for his own political gain.
Apparently, from now on, any time you hear the words “Tea Party” or “Patriot,” you are supposed to simply replace those words in your mind with “anarchists” and think of them as anti- government hate groups-that way you can completely disregard what they have to say and go back to sleep and not worry about the future of your children or the country they will live in.
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Ken Freeman attended the University of Georgia, as did his wife of 46 years, Judy. Starting in 1967 he served as a Navy Pilot in Viet Nam. After returning from Viet Nam he began a 30 year career as an airline pilot and cattle rancher in North Alabama. He retired as a Northwest Airlines Captain in 2000 and continued the family ranch.
Today, Ken, Chairman, and vice-chair Don Casey of the Alliance for Citizen’s Rights, travel widely, giving presentations on Sustainable Development and helping form organizations that defend constitutional rights. Working as advisors to citizens groups they have led the fight in stopping un-constitutional laws and regulations in the U. S. and lectured on Sustainable Development as far away as Australia.
In the 2012 Alabama Legislative Session the ACR authored and helped pass what is believed to be the first Anti-Agenda 21 law enacted anywhere in the world. They were instrumental in the writing of the “Anti-Agenda 21 Resolution” which was unanimously adopted by the Alabama Republican Party and carried to the National Republican Convention.
Today Ken is primarily focused on the repeal of Common Core in Alabama (Agenda 21 for education) while he and Don are still working with the ACR on other Agenda 21 and constitutional issues.
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