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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Call to Action: URGENT! 2ND Amendment Preservation #tcot

22 Nov. 2013 - (updated flyer)

Please download and print/save this to handout/email to all your group(s)/networks!

Download LETTER to NRA to support the FL2PA.

We need an ‘all hands on deck’ approach on 2 items:

1) Send a postcard to Marion Hammer, Executive Director of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida

2) Send an email to the NRA

Ms. Marion Hammer, Unified Sportsmen of FL

110 S Monroe St Ste A

Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1593

Phone: 850-222-9518

Use your own words to urge support for 2A Preservation or take from this sample wording:

“I urge you in the strongest terms to use all of the US Constitution to protect my God-given right to Keep and Bear Arms. Why do you think we have a 9 and 10 Amendment? The Founders and Ratifiers knew this day would come!”


We suggest using your own words, but here is an example you can cut/paste or modify:

“Attn: Chris Cox, Executive Director, Legislative Action, NRA. We have a major initiative here in Florida that uses all of the Constitution to protect our 2nd Amendment right, including Article 1, Section 8 and the concept of State Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment. Ten states have passed versions of this bill and nineteen more are actively considering a simplified version as we are in Florida. We have thousands of signed petitions and supporters who have contacted their legislators to support this initiative and more are joining in every day.

We urge the NRA to support the concept/principle of this FL Bill as the NAGR and GOA have done. Please confirm the NRA support for this important bill.”

Sign your name, County and note if you are an NRA member --- if not a member, still send the email!

For questions or electronic copy of this flyer contact: info@floridacitizensalliance.com

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