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Monday, March 11, 2013

Senate Committee Rejects Expanding Medicaid!

HallmanSenate Committee Rejects Expanding Medicaid!

 The Senate Select Committee on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act voted 7-4 today to reject expanding Medicaid, which was a crucial component of Obamacare. This along with the recent rejection by the House Select Committee on PPACA ends the chances of Medicaid Expansion, at least for now. Senator Joe Negron, who chairs the Committee, was quoted as saying "I oppose the Washington plan, and I want a Florida plan." The Committee did decide that Florida should create its own program that helps the uninsured buy private insurance policies, and plans to work with the House Committee to work on an alternative plan. Chairman Negron outlined 5 points that he wants in this alternative plan.

  • cost-sharing that required plan participates to pay something for emergency room visits and other services they used, based on income.
  • -Administering the program through Florida Healthy Kids, currently the state program that helps children ages 5-18 obtain coverage.
  • -Creating "health reimbursement accounts" that reward participating for healthy behavior by adding money to accounts that can be used for co-pays.
  • -Allowing participants to purchase private health insurance plans.
  • -Using available funds to help subsidize the premium costs of the insurance plans.

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2013/03/senate-committee-rejects-medicaid-expansion-joins-house-in-seeking-alternative.html#storylink=cpy
While today's vote was a victory, I remain cautious about any other plans the legislature might create. We need to stay vigilant and watch for more details as they come out. It is always possible than a plan B could be just as bad. 

Thanks for all the calls and e-mails everybody made the last couple of weeks, you made a huge difference and your efforts paid off today. Keep up the great work!

In Liberty,

John Hallman

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