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Cynthia Lucas #1 Mandalay Rd, Stuart, FL 34996 - We could use some help with expenses.

Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Monday, January 10, 2011

M912TC Joins Freedom21 to Repeal the 17th Amendment


The Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee has been selected to get the word out in Florida of the new campaign by Freedom21.org to organize more grassroots leaders for the purpose of promoting legislation to repeal the 17th Amendment.

Many people have not even heard of the 17th Amendment, and have no appreciation of its devastating effect on the balance of power in the original design for our federal Republic.  This campaign, under the guidance of Henry Lamb, renowned author and lecturer for Sovereignty International and other policy-analysis institutions, intends to bring this issue into the popular conversation.

To that end, we are sending this information to the organizers of Florida’s grassroots campaigns who have shown their colors as true conservatives in the Tea Party / 912 tradition.  Link to the introductory information that will show you the logic that leads to our assertion that this is the FIRST STEP, and that enforcing the 9th and 10th Amendments is not likely without it. 

We recommend your participation in this effort and caution you that this will be a long process with unsteady progress.  We are ready to fight for as long as it takes to accomplish this first necessary step in recovering the Republic.

Read the organizers' information below and take action today. 

Jim McGovern
Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee


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