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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Put Your Faith in Government and You Will Be Disappointed (All the Bad News about Obamacare)

Put Your Faith in Government and You Will Be Disappointed (All the Bad News about Obamacare) 

Put Your Faith in Government and You Will Be Disappointed (All the Bad News about Obamacare)

Posted on  by OCTS1

The Supreme Court may have upheld Obamacare for a third time, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right direction or good for the country.  There is a steady stream of bad news about Obamacare that generally gets ignored, but I’m going to keep documenting it all because I want to be able to remind everyone Obamacare remains a disaster every time the Democrats propose another big government program.  In fact, they’re at it again already with their $3.5 trillion social spending bill – more free healthcare, free community college, universal child care, and on and on and on.  Spending like drunken sailors is a problem in itself but, if enacted, each one of these programs will end up poorly run and hurting somebody, just like Obamacare.  If the Democrats get what they want on their so-called ‘infrastructure’ bill, there will be more train wrecks in our future.

How do I know?  Because past is prologue.  Here are the latest train wrecks in Obamacare:

The subsidies have gotten bigger, so we know the cost to the nation will be going up.  The biggest carrier in Maryland is seeking a 7.9 percent increase in Obamacare premiums, much higher than inflation.  Obamacare regulations are hurting small insurers and driving consolidation in the insurance market.  Small insurers have more variability in their claims experience, so it’s easier for them to run afoul of Obamacare’s rules limiting administrative expenses as a percent of revenue.  Parents are supposed to be able to keep their children on Obamacare until age 26, but they’re finding out they can’t if the children are not dependents in the eyes of the IRS.  It’s not supposed to be this way, but the program is poorly run, and it is.

Meanwhile, more people are waking up and recognizing long-standing problems with Obamacare.  Obamacare restricts consumer choice, limits access to the best doctors and hospitals, and makes people more dependent on government.  The number of insurers is down and premiums have doubled.  Obamacare did not reduce medical bankruptcies the way they promised.  You would have expected a sharp decrease in 2014 when Obamacare took effect, but it didn’t happen.  Likewise, they claimed thousands of people were dying every year from lack of insurance but Obamacare didn’t lower the death rate, data shows.  They claimed Obamacare would lower overall healthcare costs, but that didn’t happen, either.  They also claim Obamacare is a great success in getting people to sign up.  Actually, enrollment is only about half of what they expected and they have to throw in Medicaid expansion to inflate the numbers to make Obamacare look good.  Obamacare remains such a bad deal – high premiums, high deductibles, narrow networks – that millions have bailed out in favor of alternatives like short-term plans that don’t have Obamacare’s complications or defects.  The latest poll shows barely a majority of Americans support Obamacare. 54 percent? – that’s the best you can do after ten years?  Time to try something else.

And it’s time to take a closer look at the new programs Democrats are proposing.  Free community college will hurt historically black colleges and universities.  Universal child care will mean the government will start indoctrinating your kids at an earlier age.  More free healthcare when we can’t even pay for the government healthcare programs we have now is a bad idea.  All this stuff might sound great, but think about it long enough and you will realize the government can’t put a soft pillow under absolutely everybody for absolutely everything, nor should we want it to if we have any self-respect left.

– legalize true catastrophic insurance
– return Medicaid to a poverty program


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