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Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Revolution Is Brewing (and Necessary) in the Republican Party


A Revolution Is Brewing (and Necessary) in the Republican Party

March 19, 2021
Roger L. Simon


From several meetings and events I have been to lately, including CPAC, as well as reports from others across the country that I have heard, a revolution is brewing in the Republican Party.

It couldn’t be more necessary.

The leadership is having trouble keeping up with a rank-and-file who are increasingly distressed, even appalled, by the rapid changes in our country being instigated by the new administration and its phony claims of collegiality.

With notable exceptions, much of the GOP leadership, elected officials and party officials, have been relatively passive, treating the situation as if it were just another changing of the guard, business as usual, but it is far more than that.

The United States is being rendered unrecognizable. Every day we see new evidence of that in all sectors of our society.

Read the article at Epoch Times...

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