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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Jonah Goldberg: Identifying the Problem

Identifying the Problem

By  | December 7, 2018 

Climate change is crowding out concern for, and resources from, all sorts of other problems that have far more immediate effects.

So, as often happens, a weasel crawls up your tailpipe (I mean of your car, sicko). It then gets caught in the doohickey connecting the thing to thing that goes mmmm-chicka. And now your car is busted. The mechanic says it will cost $5,000 to de-weasel your diesel engine.

But you don’t have five grand lying around. So what do you do?
Obviously, you ask the mechanic how to raise $5,000. I mean, he’s an expert on how to fix your car, he must also be an expert on how to pay for it. Right?
Of course not.
My point here — or at least my first point — is that expertise doesn’t necessarily transfer over from one field to another.
A second point: READ THE ARTICLE HERE...

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