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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Action Items for this Week: December 4 – December 8

Action Items for this Week: December 4 – December 8

Please call your two U.S. senators and your U.S. representative and ask them to support the final tax bill. We have included talking points below to help guide that conversation. You can reach each office on the Hill by calling the Capitol switchboard operators at 202.224.3121.
We would like your help in supporting Congressman Mark Meadows and the entire House Freedom Caucus as they push to have the spending debate in January — not in the days right before Christmas.
Over the weekend, House Republicans introduced a short-term funding bill to prevent a government shutdown. The only problem is that the measure would expire on December 22nd, just a few days before Christmas.
Why is this important? We know that the temptation will be great during the 72 hours leading up to Christmas, as members of Congress want to get home. They will be more willing to make spending concessions and allow major victories for Democrats. We need to voice our opinion and let Congress know that we want the short-term “stop-gap” measure to last until the first week of January so we can avoid a spending frenzy the days right before Christmas when Americans are not paying attention.
Thank you for all of your tremendous work helping us get to this point in the tax reform fight!


  • Americans waste time and money preparing their taxes each year because our tax code is so complicated.
  • Tax reform in our country is long overdue.
  • Americans want a tax code that is flatter, with fewer brackets.
  • Americans want a tax code that is simpler, with less need to employ accountants and tax attorneys to navigate the code.
  • Our current tax system slows economic growth, and reduces opportunity and wages for all Americans.
  • President Trump campaigned on pro-growth tax reform, and the American people stand behind him on that goal.
  • Americans are ready for tax reform that moves our nation forward.
  • The proposed tax reform will make the United States a better place to invest and do business.
  • Both tax bills address many of the most serious problems plaguing our tax code, including excessively high tax rates for corporations and incentives for businesses to move abroad.
  • The House and Senate tax bills have much-needed simplifications, including eliminating and reducing many deductions.
  • The final tax bill MUST include the full repeal of the individual mandate. This mandate represents one of the most onerous taxes for families, and it is past time for repeal.


  •  #Taxreform is necessary to move America forward. #MAGA
  • .@[INSERT HANDLE FOR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE OR SENATOR] America’s job creators need tax reform! #MAGA #tcot
  • Repeal #individualmandate in #taxreform! @POTUS
  • #Draintheswamp and send #taxreform! to @POTUS desk.
  • .@POTUS: It’s time to reform and simplify the tax code. #simplerflatterfairer
  • Americans want tax relief now! #tcot  #simplerflatterfairer
  • Thank you @POTUS for prioritizing tax reform! #MAGA  #simplerflatterfairer
  • Join the #taxreform coalition today –taxreformcoalition.com

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