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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Action Items for this Week: December 11 – December 15

Action Items for this Week: December 11 – December 15


We would like use this opportunity to weigh in and let Congress know what we view are the essential components of tax reform that must be included in the final version. Top on the list, of course, is the Senate bill’s repeal of the individual mandate. Additionally, we want to see the top rate lowered to 38.4 percent, the $10,000 property tax deduction retained, 20 percent corporate tax rate (and for that reduction to begin on January 1, 2018), immediate full expensing, and reductions for sub-chapter S pass-through entities.
Please take two simple actions this week.
First, please call your two U.S. senators and your U.S. representative and ask them to support the final tax bill. Below are talking points to help guide your phone calls with congressional staff members. You can reach each office on the Hill by calling the Capitol switchboard operators at 202.224.3121.
Second, please call Congress and share your thoughts about the upcoming spending bill. At Tea Party Patriots, we have consistently stressed the longterm importance of spending reductions. Make sure your representatives in Congress understand how important spending cuts and spending restraint are to our nation’s overall economic health.

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