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Friday, May 19, 2017

Forbes Opinion: NY Vs DC


There is an important and damaging cultural divide between the Trumps and the governing system that the president and his closest allies are trying to tame.  Call it New York vs. Washington, or business vs government, but it comes down to this:  the president hasn’t gotten control over the bureaucracy, much of which is in open rebellion against him.  You can see it by the remarkably low numbers of political appointees currently approved by the Senate, as by the torrent of leaks aimed at damaging Trump and his top aides.

The New Yorkers—famously, the Trumps themselves, the Kushners, and the bankers in the Cabinet and the White House—seem to have come to Washington expecting that, once The Donald had been sworn in, the bureaucrats would do what they were told.  The New Yorkers—as we saw during the election campaign and throughout the transition—did not believe they needed a large organization, staffed with their own loyal followers.  They thought the important thing was to make the right decisions, and install a few key officials at the very top.

Please click here to read the entire opinion column...

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