So, who's a conservative?
05 Feb 2016 | by Cindy Lucas

The Martin 912 Tea Party Committee has researched all presidential primary candidates. We have looked behind the curtain to find out who their consultants, staffers and other associates are, plus their records. We used Open Secrets to track the candidates donors and bills they may have sponsored related to their donors. We read their books and the speeches they have given to try to find out who these candidates really are. We tried to expose the globalists, One World Government, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, crony capitalists, big government and pro-Common Core elite republican agenda as Breitbart's Steve Bannon likes to refer to them as. We are asking why would the we vote for a republican who wants to expand the Globalist's agenda?
The Breitbart Nationwide radio this morning exposed Senator Rubio's record. The Senator will not come on the National Breitbart Radio show or take any questions from Matt Boyle, Julia Hahn and other reporters for his plan, "A New American Economy" for A New American Century.
We now know that Mr. Rubio's agenda has promoted more H-1b visa's for his corporate donors like Disney, Facebook, Microsoft and others. Read Michele Malkin below.
Numbers USA is the leading Immigration watchdog in D.C. and has given Senator Rubio a score of D+.
By Michelle Malkin
Political analysis of the Las Vegas debate immigration dust-up between Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio is missing a key ingredient: the money factor. You can read the lips of the candidates till the cows come home. But you’ll get to the truth much faster when you learn where pro-amnesty power brokers have placed their bets and hitched their wagons. Rubio’s brazenly fraudulent campaign to paint Cruz as soft on illegal immigration is a flabbergasting attempt to distract from the Florida junior senator’s faithful allegiance to the open-borders donor class. 
Here’s what you need to know: Facebook, Microsoft, and Silicon Valley back Marco Rubio. Mark Zuckerberg is a social-justice CEO who panders to Hispanics with his pro-amnesty, anti-deportation advocacy; Facebook is an H-1B-visa-dependent company working hard to obliterate hurdles to hiring an unlimited stream of cheap foreign tech workers. It’s no coincidence that Facebook’s lobbying outfit,, was waging war on Senator Cruz online this week in parallel with Senator Rubio’s disingenuous onstage attack.
The D.C. front group, which Zuckerberg seeded in 2013 with nearly $40 million during the Gang of Eight fight, has consistently provided political protection for Rubio as he carried their legislative water.’s GOP subsidiary, “Americans for a Conservative Direction,” showered Rubio and pro-illegal-alien-amnesty Senator Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) with millions of dollars in media ad buys. The group also funded a deceptive $150,000 ad campaign for immigration sellout Representative Renee Ellmers (R., N.C.), which falsely claimed that she opposed amnesty to help her fend off a primary challenge. In all, spent an estimated $5 million on TV and radio spots in more than 100 GOP districts before the Senate passed the Gang of Eight bill in June 2013.
Zuckerberg personally donated to Rubio, as have pro-H-1B expansionist Silicon Valley CEOs from Oracle, Cisco, and Seagate. Microsoft, founded by leading H-1B/amnesty cheerleader Bill Gates, has been Rubio’s No. 2 corporate donor the past five years.
Paul Singer backs Marco Rubio. The hedge-fund billionaire announced his support for Rubio in October. Amnesty is and always has been a top agenda item for Singer, who, along with fellow hedge-fund billionaire George Soros, helped fund the National Immigration Forum. NIF propped up a faux-grassroots initiative of religious conservatives, dubbed the Evangelical Immigration Table, to lobby for the Gang of Eight.
NIF was founded by far-left attorney Rick Swartz, who opposes tracking/deporting visa overstayers and opposes employer sanctions against companies that violated immigration laws. Swartz also served as an adviser to Microsoft.
The Singer/Soros-funded NIF helped sabotage the Immigration Act of 1990, which was intended to impose modest restrictions on immigration, and turned it into “one of the most expansionist immigration bills ever passed,” as one expert put it. On Capitol Hill, Swartz worked closely with Cesar Conda, legislative director for immigration expansionist Senator Spencer Abraham (R., Mich.), and Paul Ryan, legislative director for Senator Sam Brownback (R., Kans.). Ryan, who is now GOP House speaker, is busy this holiday season fronting an omnibus bill that will open the floodgates to 250,000 unskilled foreign guest workers.
Side note: Beltway-establishment fixture Conda previously worked for the pro-amnesty U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mentored Ryan from the age of 19. Conda guided newbie Rubio as his Senate chief of staff from 2011 to 2014 and remains his powerful immigration Svengali behind closed doors.
Rove/Bush-tied front groups back Marco Rubio. The American Action Network is a Big Business GOP lobbying organization led by former senator Norm Coleman (R., Minn.), and co-founded with John McCain adviser/fundraiser Fred Malek. AAN shared its offices with amnesty peddler Karl Rove’s American Crossroads in D.C. AAN’s “action arm,” the American Action Forum, was founded in February 2010, and Jeb Bush sat on the AAF board. AAN proceeded to spend a whopping $25 million to attack conservatives who opposed amnesty.
In 2013, the group dumped more than $750,000 into primetime, Fox News Channel ad buys pushing the Gang of Eight immigration bill, including $100,000 in ads to support leading GOP voices for amnesty, including, you guessed it, Senator Marco Rubio.
Open-borders Democrats love Marco Rubio. As Senator Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) brayed last month: Rubio “was not only totally committed, he was in that room with us. His fingerprints are all over” the Gang of Eight monstrosity. Indeed, Senators Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) and Rubio plotted strategy during early-morning workout sessions at the Senate gym.
Rubio hired Enrique Gonzalez, a Democratic donor and partner with the global-immigration-law firm, Fragomen Del Rey, to be his chief adviser on the bill. Gonzalez specializes in obtaining H-1B guest-worker visas (tripled in the Gang of Eight bill) and EB-5 visas for wealthy foreign investors. After the bill passed, Gonzalez returned to his law firm as managing partner of the Florida office, where he brags about his role as Rubio’s “special counsel” and “principal advisor/negotiator” — read: bill writer.
Bottom line?
Cruz kept his promise to voters. He voted against the Gang of Eight giveaway. Period. Rubio broke his promise: He paid lip service to border security and the American Dream, while scheming with Senators Schumer and Durbin on the 180,000-word, 1,200-page Christmas tree for Big Biz, Big Tech, and ethnic lobbyists.
Rubio didn’t just vote for the bill. He and his staff were integral to crafting it, shilling for it, and cashing in on the legislative boondoggle dubbed a “permanent pension plan for immigration lawyers.”
When you need the truth about which Beltway crapweasels are selling out America, always follow the money.
Read more at:
— Michelle Malkin is author of the book Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs. Her e-mail address is Copyright © 2015
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National Journal: Luntz Fails to Disclose Rubio Connection
Political junkies who follow Republican messaging guru Frank Luntz know how he felt that Marco Rubio performed in the most recent GOP presidential debate—his televised focus group, his Twitter stream, and his interviews left no doubt that he’s a Rubio fan.
What they probably don’t know about is Luntz’s close relationship with Rubio over the years, and how Rubio paid Luntz’s firm a third of a million dollars to produce and promote a book that Rubio used to improve his statewide name recognition in Florida a decade ago.
It’s not clear whether Fox News was aware of that history when it broadcast Luntz quizzing focus-group members following the debate, eliciting responses such as “confident,” “eloquent,” electable,” and “presidential.” (But not following up with one dissident who called Rubio an “attractive opportunist.”)
Fox did not respond to a National Journal query. Nor did Luntz, a popular consultant in Republican circles whose clients, according to Federal Election Commission records, have included House Speaker Paul Ryan, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) of Georgia, and the American Crossroads super PAC in recent years.
Between May 2005 and August 2007, when Rubio was first speaker-designate and then speaker of the House, the Republican Party of Florida paid Luntz’s consulting companies a total of $345,451, according to Florida Division of Elections filings. That was the period when Luntz helped Rubio produce his “100 Innovative Ideas” project, which included a book of policy proposals that Rubio pushed during his two years in charge of the state House.
In 2007, Luntz praised Rubio’s 100 Ideas project in a Washington Post op-ed, writing that it brought forward “the principles of good government and political accountability.” That article also failed to mention his role in the book’s production and promotion—a project that boosted Rubio’s name around the state, laying the groundwork for his successful U.S. Senate run in 2010.
Mike Fasano, a Republican who served with Rubio in the state legislature, said he was aware that the party had paid for Luntz’s work, but had not known how much. “Oh, my Lord. I’m in the wrong business,” said Fasano, now the elected tax collector of Pasco County. “When you have a guy like Frank who collects a pro-Marco group, of course they’re going to say that Marco won.”
Luntz’s praise began not long after the debate began last Thursday. Just 12 minutes in, Luntz declared in a tweet: “Excellent start for him tonight.” Halfway through, at 9:51 pm, Luntz tweeted: “This is @MarcoRubio’s best debate so far. He’s making people switch over to him.”
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