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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Friday, October 16, 2015

SSN: Returning to Regular Order

Returning to Regular Order: GOP Priority

During the past few weeks and recent days,‭ ‬the House Republican Conference has experienced a ripple of change in our congressional leadership,‭ ‬causing us to refocus the future of our party.‭ ‬In assessing a resolution to this situation,‭ ‬the answer is not merely to rearrange‭ ‬the faces of our leadership and expect that our problems will be solved.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the answer is quite the contrary.‭ ‬Because there is a clamor across our nation for strong,‭ ‬conservative leadership,‭ ‬we need a fresh start,‭ ‬not just fresh faces.‭ 
We need to restore a legislative process where all members are included,‭ ‬where legislative ideas are debated and considered well in advance of deadlines,‭ ‬and where the American public can witness government in deliberation,‭ ‬not deadlock.‭ ‬In other words,‭ ‬we need to exercise what our Founding Fathers gave us:‭ ‬regular order.
For years,‭ ‬crisis-to-crisis governing by this Congress has become the norm.‭

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