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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland: FAIRtax — The Answer To Our Broken Tax System

FAIRtax — The Answer To Our Broken Tax System

05.13.2015 by: Congressman Lynn Westmoreland

Before I had the privilege of serving the good people of Georgia’s Third Congressional District, I was the proud owner of a small building company in Fayette County, Georgia. I worked hard to grow my company, play by the rules, and support my family. But being a small business owner taught me first-hand how Americans are being suffocated by our tax code and its effects on job creation. And like all Americans, I dreaded tax day when I had to hand over my hard earned money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) instead of putting it back into my company to create jobs.

Our complicated tax system just doesn’t make sense. How can we expect to grow our economy and promote the American Dream, when our federal system doesn’t encourage opportunity? The burden the federal tax system places on our families and businesses is one of the reasons why I first ran for office, and continues to be a motivation in my role in the U.S. Congress.

Americans must be able to keep more of their hard earned money. The current federal tax code is long and so complicated that most people have a hard time completing their own taxes. When it takes additional help to comply with our own laws, something is seriously wrong. We need less government, not more. And the solution is simple: The FairTax.

Every year since I have been in Congress, I have supported and co-sponsored the FairTax Act. By implementing a consumption-based tax, we will catch elements of the underground economy that currently pay no taxes, while significantly reducing the annual burden on every taxpayer, and overhead costs to companies which will result in lower prices for consumers. Most importantly, no one will have to fill out tax forms each year, or have money withheld from their paycheck each month. With a simplified tax system, there will be no need for the IRS. Eliminating the IRS will be a step forward toward a fair system, and the elimination of the complex tax code will guarantee uniformity across the board.

In addition to my co-sponsorship of this bill, I also signed on to a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan requesting that the FairTax Act be included in the overall debate on comprehensive tax reform through a hearing. I believe this type of complete tax reform should be at the forefront of a real discussion and deserves the time to be reviewed by the committee of jurisdiction.

Creating an opportunity economy for all Americans starts with reforming our broken tax system, and passing the FairTax is the first step. It’s a commonsense alternative that doesn’t discriminate or favor one class, corporation, or group over another. It’s a simple and fair solution, and together we can fight to make the Fair Tax Act a reality for all.

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland is the U.S. Representative for Georgia's 3rd congressional district.

- See more at: https://fairtax.org/articles/congressman-lynn-westmoreland-fair-tax-the-answer-to-our-broken-tax-system#sthash.pqyu2KTh.dpuf

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