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Saturday, November 9, 2013



By Cliff Kincaid
November 9
, 2013

If you think Barack Obama has gotten a free ride from the press, consider the case of Bill de Blasio.

The New York Post revealed at the last minute that the Marxist frontrunner for mayor of New York City visited Communist Russia in 1983. But the paper’s bizarre cover headline, “Back in the USSR,” complete with a hammer-and-sickle, seemed to make a mockery of the discovery.

International communism, which claimed more than 100 million lives, is not a laughing matter, nor just the subject of a 1968 song by the Beatles.

Described by CNN as the “unabashed liberal,” de Blasiois actually to the left of Barack Obama, in the sense that de Blasio didn’t disavow his communist background once it came to light. At least Obama tried to cover up his ties to communist Frank Marshall Davis.

De Blasio had scrubbed the Marxist connections from his campaign website, an omission that momentarily captured the attention of The New York Times. But once these connections and controversies came to light, he embraced his sordid history. He still embraces liberation theology and his work for the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

Nobody believed the purpose of his “honeymoon” to Cuba was actually a honeymoon, but the media didn’t even bother to check into how he made the illegal trip and whether the FBI had developed a file on the candidate.

De Blasio was so open about his Marxism that on Sunday, he campaigned with Harry Belafonte, who during the Cold War sang at a “Concert for Peace” in communist East Germany, where he attacked President Reagan’s anti-communist foreign policy. A long-time supporter of the Castro dictatorship, Belafonte was also an ally of the late Venezuelan Marxist ruler Hugo Chavez.

Trevor Loudon, author of The Enemies Within, has commented on de Blasio’s commitment to “democratic socialism” and the significance of his work for David Dinkins, the former New York City mayor who was closely associated with the Democratic Socialists of America. Dinkins was associated with high crime rates and out-of-control spending.

Read the rest of the story at NewsWithViews.com...


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