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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rubio’s Florida offices draw tea party protests over immigration bill #tcot

Rubio’s Florida offices draw tea party protests over immigration bill

Posted by David Nakamura on April 17, 2013


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is pushing immigration reform, and some in the tea party aren’t happy about it.

Several dozen tea party members demonstrated outside some of Rubio’s Florida offices on Tuesday to protest the comprehensive immigration bill that Rubio and seven Senate colleagues announced this week, which includes a path to demonstrationcitizenship for up to 11 million immigrants in the country illegally.

At one event in Palm Beach Gardens protesters held signs reading, “Stop the Senate!!” and “No Amnesty for Undocumented and Illegal.” Rubio, elected with strong tea party support, has been considered an instrumental lawmaker in the development of the 844-page immigration proposal.

Read the whole story...

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