Here we go again. Local muslims have truly stepped over the line bigtime, and now the Rutherford County School District [Tennessee] needs to take action. A young muslim student celebrated the holiday Eid al-Adha on Friday Oct 26 by bringing in presents for his class. Girls received necklaces and dolls, but the boys received table top games and fake guns ( see below picture).
The inappropriateness of this is unacceptable and abhorrent. The very thought that a muslim parent allowed a child to bring gifts to classmates is disturbing, since most schools don’t even allow christian students to exchange Christmas gifts, unless they specify what gifts can be exchanged.
The next problem, where was the teacher? The action( or non reaction in this case) allowed for several children to get on school buses with a fake handgun.
Doesnt the Rutherford County School District have a zero tolerance policy? Is it acceptable for children to bring fake guns into school? Has the child been expelled? Have the muslim parents been approached by school officials since they most likely purchased and wrapped the fake guns?
Parents, you need to be outraged. Outraged over fake guns being given out as gifts,Outraged at the blatant indoctrination of your child being given a gift for an islamic holiday, when Christmas and Easter have essentially been banned. The phones at the Rutherford County Schools should not be silent for several days. The governors office also needs to be contacted. Children have been expelled and or arrested for less than this for sure.
I can only imagine if a non muslim student gave a muslim student a gift for their religious holiday , especially a fake gun, there would be riots in the street for sure.
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