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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Profiles in Liberty: Steve Lonegan of Americans for Prosperity - New Jersey

Thu, 07/05/2012 | posted by Matt Naugle

Steve Lonegan runs the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity and is a former three-term mayor of Bogota.Steve Lonigan

During Mayor Lonegan’s time in office, Bogota’s municipal spending remained constant for all 12 years. Lonegan stood up to powerful public sector unions while keeping debt and tax increases far below inflation, despite massive state mandates and aid reductions. Lonegan set the model for how conservative mayors across the country should govern.

In addition, Lonegan ran for Governor twice and was defeated in 2009 by current Gov. Chris Christie.

You can follow Lonegan on Twitter @lonegan.

Matt Naugle: I first learned of you when you were Mayor of Bogota, New Jersey from the hilarious political documentary Anytown, USA. Did you like how you were portrayed in the movie and should people watch it on Netflix?

Steve Lonegan: This film gets a big “thumbs up!”

The moviemakers apparently intended to portray me as some kind of villain who was supposed to lose. Instead I won a massive victory as a conservative Republican in a town that several years later gave Barack Obama 64% of the vote. It shows that the way to win is to stand up for what you believe, not change your views based on what some pollster or political consultant says.

It should be required viewing for the Republican Party leadership.

MN: How did you become a conservative?

Read the rest...

Ed. Note: Steve Lonegan broadcasts short announcements on radio networks covering New Jersey markets. His messages feature conservative commentary on relevant, important legislative issues. - jjm

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