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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The 2012 GOP Credentials Committee: Traitors, Cheaters, Predators, Clowns


the conservative conscience of the Republican Party

May 22, 2012 by Doug Parris [Washington State]GOPsplit
Returning from Washington State Republican Party Credentials Committee Meeting in Moses Lake, I could no longer escape the conclusion. The GOP presidential nomination was predetermined. By Republican insiders, much as it was for John McCain.
The cheating IN the Washington State GOP convention credentials committee that convened at Moses Lake replicated much of the cheating they were supposed to be adjudicating. Slander, suppression of speech, and illegal procedures were dominant.
The State GOP, at the direction of Kirby Wilbur, has been acting on behalf of the Romney campaign to protect it from the corrective operation of rules, grossly manipulating the process and we will give it to you line-by-line.
I believe that it would take a miracle, now, to change the outcome. Despite the fact that I do not cease to work for that miracle, I will now begin to report on the lemming-like determination of Party insiders to seek their own destruction.

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