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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rio+20: Is It The Future Business Wants?

Francis Vorhies, Contributor

20 June 2012

With the negotiated outcome statement of the Rio+20 Conference now available, is it what the business community was hoping for? Titled ‘The Future We Want’, the 23,000 word text opens with setting out a ‘common vision’ and ends with outlining ‘means of implementation’. If, after reading through the middle sections on ‘renewing political commitment’, the ‘green economy’, the ‘institutional framework for sustainable development’, and the ‘framework for action and follow-up’, you are still not sure what it is all about, then a frequency word count might help.

The word ‘develop’, whether on its own in words like ‘developing’ or ‘development’, shows up 597 times. The word ‘sustain’, again on its own or in words such as ‘sustainability’ or ‘sustainable’, shows up 413 times. The expression ‘sustainable development’ can be found in 268 places. Yes, Rio+20, like Rio+0 and Rio+10, is about our governments committing to economic development which is sustainable. But is this good for business?

Read the story in Forbes…

ed: This post is evidence that even savvy business sources have gone completely delusional. The Progressives are running the asylum.

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