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Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Monday, November 14, 2011

FPL and Smart Meter Installations

Be Aware of the Issues

Stuart, FL – 14 Nov2011.  These are the "contractors" FPL sent to install the smart meters. The truck says they clean out dryer vents when they're not installing spy devices in your home. See our newsletter on the SmartMeter issue. Go to http://stopsmartmeters.org/ for more info.
{ j.mcg }

The installers were sent away, and a staff member (Cynthia) from the office of CEO Olivera of FPL called on the same day. She acknowledged that Mr. Olivera received our certified letter informing them of our choice to “opt out” of their smart meter program. Cynthia was very cordial and told us the meters would not be changed.

Jim McGovern

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