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Cynthia Lucas #1 Mandalay Rd, Stuart, FL 34996 - We could use some help with expenses.


Martin 9/12 Calendar (& City of Stuart)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank you Rep. Snyder

Rep. Snyder (Will):
Jack Oliver from FLIMEN tells us you are doing a great job in the Florida House on the legislation that advances the FLIMEN interest in E-Verify.
The Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee wants you to know that your work is greatly appreciated. It means a great deal to be able to boast that our own state representative really "gets it."
Jim McGovern for the Committee

Ronald Reagan
Feb. 06, 1911 - Jun. 06, 2004

Reply received April 04. 2011

Jim, Snyder

Thank you very much for your encouraging e mail.  The immigration bill passed out of my committee clean with no amendments.  House staff is currently working with the governor on final language before the proposed legislation is given its next committee stop. I will keep you in the loop when the next reference is made. 

This has been by far the most grueling session I have experienced but we are moving major pieces of legislation that will make life better for all Floridians.  Keep up the fight.


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