Talk is cheap.
Sadly, as our national debt continues to soar, talk is the only thing President Obama and his liberal cohorts in Congress can seemingly do.
Actions are always better than words.
That's why the American Conservative Union (ACU), our nation's oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization, honored me with their "Defender of Liberty" Award for earning a 100% ACU rating and ranking me as Florida's most conservative member of Congress!
As a Conservative, I'm proud to have taken action - whether it was voting to defund NPR, fighting alongside Senator Marco Rubio against job-killing EPA regulations, or stopping Congress from funding a $450 million jet engine that Pentagon didn't even want!
Last November you sent a clear message to Washington - CUT WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING.
The entire country heard the message... President Barack Obama and the tax and spend liberals in Congress didn't. Today, I'm asking you to stand with me and defend our conservative principles. Our values and principles as true conservatives are being tested. But expressing our concern and our outrage is not enough. We need to organize, mobilize and fight to take our nation back. Together we can get Florida and our nation back on the right track.
Thank you for all you've done and all you're going to do.
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