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Monday, February 28, 2011

Obama Will Soon Declare The Constitution--Unconstitutional!

John Lillpop

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Granted that conservatives are not always the sharpest knives in the drawer.

We right-wingers sometimes have difficulty grasping the deep, elusive logic of intellectual elitists on the left like Barack Obama when it comes to great and serious questions concerning the U.S. Constitution. For example, we find it difficult to understand how it is that man who invented ObamaCare, which has been ruled unconstitutional by two separate courts, feels qualified to unilaterally decide that the Defense of Marriage Act, law of the land for 15 years, is suddenly unconstitutional, thereby freeing himself from the responsibility to defend said law in fulfillment of his Oath of Office.

What next, Mr. President?

According to unreliable sources, it appears that President Obama will make a major announcement that will CHANGE everything in America.

The gist of that announcement: The U.S. Constitution is unconstitutional because women and racial, sexual preference, and religious minorities were all under-represented in 1776. Indeed, without any openly gay men or transgender people involved in the crafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all such documents must be declared null and void.

Other excluded minorities include women, terrorists, and illegal aliens. Without factoring in the wishes and needs of terrorists and illegal aliens how in the world can our democracy function?

The answer, of course, is that it cannot, which is why Obama will soon declare the Constitution itself unconstitutional!

Of course, if Obama really gave a tinker’s dam about the Constitution, He would scrap his outrageous law suit against the state of Arizona for protecting its citizens from invaders.

He would move to scrap ObamaCare, which was rammed down the throats of unwilling Americans with legislative sleight of hands and bribery when the votes were not there to follow the rules.

He would understand that forcing citizens to purchase health care insurance, or face the ravages of the IRS, is barbaric and unconstitutional.

He would understand that the Constitution is very specific when it comes to the eligibility of any person to serve as president.

Thus, he would make every effort to be completely honest and transparent with the American people concerning questions about his own eligibility.

He would understand that the Constitution sets forth provisions for separation of powers, meant to assure that the Executive Branch is accountable to the people through the oversight function performed by Congress.

He would understand that installation of stealth Czars in order to circumvent Congressional oversight is a repudiation of the Constitution.

He would understand that voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party is not acceptable simply because the intimidated are not people of color.

He would understand that actions taken to grant rights reserved for citizens to terrorists are anti-American acts of treason.

He would understand that the Constitution requires the president to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws so as to protect the American people.

He would understand that it is the president’s Constitutional obligation to serve as America’s Commander-in-Chief, which requires him to use war powers prudently to defend the American people, rather than using those powers as political footballs.

Above all else, if he were genuine, President Obama would understand that the will of the people should be the first priority for any political entity wishing to govern, and that that applies to taxes, illegal invasions, health care, terrorists, and all major issues of the day.

The fact is that Barack Obama views the Constitution as an impediment to his Marxist agenda.

He MUST be stopped.

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