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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

RED STATE: Breaking the system

By: John Hayward  |  July 16th, 2014 RedState_Capture

Illegal immigration activist Jose Antonio Vargas was detained (as it turned out, briefly) by the authorities this week, after running into trouble at a Border Patrol checkpoint en route to catch a plane.  The trouble is that he’s been flaunting the immigration laws of the United States with impunity for years.  He’s a legal citizen of the Philippines, but not of the United States, having been brought here illegally as a child.  He didn’t learn he lacked legal residency status until he tried to get a driver’s license at the age of 16.  This supposedly makes him an irrefutable critic of the immigration system.  In truth, he embodies far more problems than that.

For example, there’s the little matter of that driver’s license he couldn’t get.  He simply ignores that law, too, and drives without one.  He actually did get caught once, but the same overwhelming mega-State that burdens ever aspect of your life with countless fees and regulations just blew it off, the same way he’s functionally immune to the laws governing citizenship, or the penalties for falsifying documents, which he has done with some frequency.


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