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Friday, October 7, 2011

My Advise for @theHermanCain

After listening to the ridiculous treatment of Herman Cain by certain members of the press, I am embarrassed for journalism. I don’t presume to call myself a journalist, but their behavior embarrasses all Americans.

My advise for Herman Cain would be for him to embrace and explain his basic Republican philosophy every time they try to pin him into their rhetorical model. For example:

Florence O’Dumbell: Do you stand by your statement that all Blacks are brainwashed?

Mr. Cain: Florence, you are misquoting my statement, but I understand why. From your socialist perspective, you cannot grasp the basic and fundamental Republican principle to avoid categorizing and separating people into classes, races and interest groups. By focusing on development of opportunity for all Americans, this divisive tendency of the Democrat Party will not be an issue. “Brainwashing” was just a colorful way to refer to this destructive Democrat strategy.

Florence O’Dumbell: In your book you mentioned that you made a decision not to join in the racial protest movements of the 1960’s. Do you regret that?

Mr. Cain: No, Florence. We had a different opinion on how to transcend the racial prejudice that existed back then. At that time we did not see the value in a “collective expression,” given the poor success of protest movements of the past. Our approach was to excel on a personal level to raise the family out of poverty. We saw the issue as basically economic opportunity, not racial. The words in my book on this subject are meant to be a testament to the bravery and foresight of the marchers and protesters, led by the non-violent elements of the group formed by Dr. King. At that time we did not see that as a viable strategy back then, but it has proved to be the right movement at the right time. The actual protesters were a small minority, and we were not among them. Most Americans were observers in that movement.

Herman Cain should remember he is not auditioning for the media operators, he is presenting his case to the voters. So far he has done extremely well. But the media traps still await him.

Jim McGovern


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